Cemetery Rules and Regulations

1. Signs and Structures: It is unlawful to place or erect any signs, boards, billboards, or similar devices within the McCleary Cemetery. Additionally, creating structures is not permitted.
2. Distribution of Materials: Exhibiting or distributing handbills, circulars, or signs in a manner that interferes with normal use or passage is prohibited.
3. Property Damage: Removing, destroying, mutilating, or defacing any property, including structures, monuments, landscaping, or any other lawful installations, is not allowed. Any physical alterations require written approval from the City.
4. Foreign Matter: Adding any foreign matter, such as sawdust or sand, is prohibited without written approval from the City.
5. Animals: Dogs, pets, horses, and other quadrupeds or domesticated animals are not allowed on turf or in any structure, except for service animals, unless specifically authorized in writing.
6. Commercial Activity: Selling beverages or merchandise, as well as soliciting contributions, is not permitted without written consent from the City.
7. Recreational Activities: Operating or riding any wheeled device, sled, vehicle, or animal is restricted to designated paths, drives, or streets. Speed must not exceed 5mph.
8. Parking: Vehicles must only be parked in designated and posted areas.
9. Recreational Equipment: The use of toy wheels, such as skateboards, roller blades, scooters, and bicycles, is not allowed. Carriages for infants, strollers, children's wagons, and similar items are exempt.
10. Prohibited Activities: Camping, golf, sporting activities, building fires, setting off fireworks, and using public address systems or loudspeakers are prohibited, except during funeral ceremonies with written authorization.
11. Alcohol and Litter: Possession of alcoholic beverages and littering are not allowed.
12. Hours of Use: The cemetery may only be utilized between 6:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
1. Grave Markers: Grave markers, headstones, outline markers, fences, or similar items should not exceed three (3) feet above the ground level.
2. Planting: Shrubs, trees, or bushes of a woody fibrous nature may not be planted unless part of a landscape program established and maintained by the City or with specific written authorization.
3. Gravesite Covers: No gravesite cover other than natural grass or decorative rock is allowed without prior City authorization.
4. Planting of Bulbs and Flowers: Planting of bulbs and other flowers is allowed, subject to City approval, and they must be removed when necessary.
5. Fresh Flowers: Fresh flowers may be placed on gravesites in City-approved containers at ground level and are subject to removal when necessary.
6. Exceptions for Artificial Decor: During authorized time periods, artificial flowers, wreaths, potted plants, baskets, and similar items may be placed but are subject to removal when deemed necessary.
7. Containers: Digging holes or placing rods or braces for pots or containers that pose a risk of injury to persons or property is not allowed.
8. Glass Containers: No glass containers for flowers or any other materials are allowed.
9. Earth Interments: All earth interments must be enclosed in a vault or liner designed for human remains, installed by City staff or an approved supplier.
10. Multiple Internments: Each lot may contain the uncremated remains of one person, with consent for up to five (5) cremated remains, subject to proof of relationship for approval.
Please adhere to these rules and regulations to maintain the sanctity of McCleary Cemetery.