Light and Power
McCleary Light & Power supplies electricity to all City homes and businesses, and to about 200 customers living just outside the city limits. There are only 17 cities in the state that provide this utility; and except for Seattle,Tacoma andCentralia, all have about the same population as McCleary.
McCleary buys all our electricity from the Bonneville Power Administration. Transmission comes through a line from Elma.

The City has mutual aid agreements with both Grays Harbor County PUD and Mason County PUD #3 so that when there are power outages, each is available to help the other restore electricity as quickly as possible. This was most recently used during the December 2007 windstorm. The McCleary Light & Power crew worked nearly a week for the other utilities once all the power was restored to McCleary customers.
There are three Linemen and one Line Equipment Operator (LEO) who do all the work necessary to maintain the system and provide hookups to new customers. Work continues to move all lines from the old substation at 7th and Maple to the new substation at 7th and Ash.