Outdoor Burning

Burn Barrels are illegal in Washington State.

If you chose to burn your yard debris, follow these guidelines for proper and safe burning:

  1. Obtain a burn permit from City Hall at No Charge.
  2. Check the ORCAA website for the current burn ban status. Do Not Burn during stagnanet of high wind conditions.
  3. Only natural vegetation gathered on site may be burned - using only enough paper to start the fire.
  4. Fires must be attended at all times and be completely extinguished.
  5. Fires must be at least 50 feet away from any building, wooden fence, trees or other flammable structures.
  6. Burn piles must be no larger than four feet in diameter and three feet high. Only one pile may be burned at a time.
  7. Burn small hot fires.
  8. Never leave a fire unattended. Keep a shovel and water source nearby.
  9. Burn only during daylight hours.

Prohibited Items

  • Paper, newspaper, cardboard etc
  • Household Garbage
  • Construction debris, plywood etc
  • Building materials
  • Treated, painted or stained wood
  • Tires and other rubber or plastic products
  • Chemicals, paint or other petroleum products

Violations of outdoor burning laws may result in fines up to $10,000 per violation.