Water System

Well Pump

The City of McCleary’s tap water meets federal and state drinking water standards.  Since our water comes from only one source, however, it is critical that we protect that source.       

Our drinking water begins as rainfall seeps into the Wildcat Creek Aquifer System. (Aquifers are underground deposits of sand and gravel that contain water.)  Our source is called an “aquifer system” because the ground underneath the branches of Wildcat Creek may contain several aquifers, the result of the mixture of porous and dense deposits left by Ice Age glaciers.



The city pumps this groundwater from two 90-foot wells located on city property just west of the SR108 turnoff north of town. Water system operators treat the water with a disinfectant to protect us from microbial contaminants and then pipe it into two storage tanks located east of the city. Operators inspect and clean the tanks regularly to minimize the buildup of sludge in the system. From the tanks, the water then flows to customers through the distribution system.

Wildcat Creek Aquifer Map  
Grays Harbor County Critical Areas Ordinance Update  

Wellhouse 3

Well #2 & #3 Improvement Project

The City of McCleary has completed the Well #2 & #3 Improvement project. This project has improved the quality of the water that is pumped out of the aquifer and filtered for removal of Iron and Manganese prior to being distributed through the City's water system.

The approximate construction cost was $1,300,000.00.

The project consisted of replacing the pumps for Well #2 & #3, construction of a new pump house for well #2 and installation of a new 500 gpm Pyrolusite filtration treatment system which will provide better smelling and tasting water.

A noticeable improvement in the City’s water quality has been observed since we brought the new systems online in May of 2013.